Tag Archives: The Graces

YA Book Prize display

The Graces by Laure Eve has been reviewed twice on this blog earlier in the year, both positively and negatively – read those reviews here and here. I enjoyed the twist at the end, and the little niggles of uncertainty when it all started to go horribly wrong…

Everyone said the Graces were witches. I was going to make them mine.

Just like everybody else in her small town, River is obsessed with the Graces.

And just like everybody else, she’s been seduced by their wealth, their exclusivity, their beauty and their glamour. Perhaps even their magic.

But unlike everybody else, River knows exactly what she’s doing.

Doesn’t she?

Read The Graces,  and see what you think.


The Graces By Laure Eve – an anti-review

thegracesI can see how The Graces could be appealing for some readers. The patient kind, who can get past a ridiculous, unbelievable plot and flat characters for the sake of a twist. I am not that reader. I believe that there’s such a thing as too little, too late, too bad. Also, I totally saw it coming.

1.5 stars

River moves to a small coastal town where she learns a family of super hot teens are rumoured to be witches. There’s a boy everyone is in love with (who has an arrogant & lazy smile and smells “like a thicker, manlier kind of vanilla”), his gorgeous twin sister, and then their younger sister who befriends River. This super-wealthy Grace family has two parents who aren’t really parents and blah blah (tacky). The Graces have a superstition that if one of them has a relationship with someone “normal,” then something bad will happen.

Main things to know about River: she gave herself the “secret name” of River and is completely in love with Fenrin ( the male Grace). She comes off as pretty immature, not very smart, and just… unrealistic? I don’t even know how to explain but it was really irritating to see the world through her eyes. Like everything she says or does is calculated to get the attention of Fenrin and it’s just weird and not worth reading.

A good portion of the dialogue in this story is utterly cringe-worthy and super odd. Almost all of it feels very unrealistic and forced… like everyone seems more like a caricature than an actual person. And they’re ALL super, super annoying. Their flirty banter and “deep” conversations were actually painful to get through as they were so bad. At first I was cracking up at how bad the story was but it quickly lost all comedic factor and just became impossible to sit through.

I don’t even understand what’s so great about the Graces that River is obsessed with them. And of course she has this huge crush on Fenrin whose a womaniser but is actually in love with the GUY arranged to marry his twin sister.

And a plot? sorry but it failed to have one at least until the end where everything come to light including things that hadn’t even been hinted to in the book yet suddenly dictated the entire twist at the end which was completely absurd and predictable due to the story being so bad.

Sorry to those who like this book but i would not recommend it .