Book of the Week – Mr Sparks, by Danny Weston

mrsparksYou should never judge a book by it’s cover, but this one?  I think you could make a good guess that Mr Sparks is a very scary novel – and what could be more creepy than a ventriloquist’s doll who has a mind, and a voice of his own…

The blurb says:

Owen lives with his cruel aunt in her small seaside guesthouse, and he’s desperate to escape his life of drudgery.  Then he meets a mysterious ventriloquist whose dummy, Mr Sparks, really seems able to speak by himself.  And Mr Sparks is looking for a new, much younger assistant, someone who can help him run away from the dark secrets of his past.  This could be the answer to Owen’s problems.  But just who is controlling who?

There is a selection of books by both Danny Weston and Philip Caveney on display on the main library desk – why not borrow an exciting and thrilling read today?

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