Tag Archives: The Dark and Hollow Places

Thursday 5th December – The Forest of Hands and Teeth trilogy – reviewed by ND

Dark and Hollow PlacesDead Tossed WavesForestofHandsandTeeth - Ls copyCarrie Ryan’s ‘The Forest of Hands and Teeth’ trilogy is something I always return to when I want a proper scare. Ryan writes in such a way that it isn’t that I’m sitting reading a book – I am inside the book and am in just as much danger as the characters. The books are full to the brim with suspense and action, and although there is a bit of a love story, this trilogy is for both boys and girls…if they’re brave enough!

The trilogy consists of The Forest of Hands and Teeth, The Dead-Tossed Waves and The Dark and Hollow Places. All three books are currently out on loan to the reviewer!