Tag Archives: Carrie Ryan

Thursday 5th December – The Forest of Hands and Teeth trilogy – reviewed by ND

Dark and Hollow PlacesDead Tossed WavesForestofHandsandTeeth - Ls copyCarrie Ryan’s ‘The Forest of Hands and Teeth’ trilogy is something I always return to when I want a proper scare. Ryan writes in such a way that it isn’t that I’m sitting reading a book – I am inside the book and am in just as much danger as the characters. The books are full to the brim with suspense and action, and although there is a bit of a love story, this trilogy is for both boys and girls…if they’re brave enough!

The trilogy consists of The Forest of Hands and Teeth, The Dead-Tossed Waves and The Dark and Hollow Places. All three books are currently out on loan to the reviewer!

Tuesday 28th May – The Forest of Hands and Teeth, reviewed by ND

ForestofHandsandTeeth - Ls copyThis is by far the best zombie book I’ve ever read. Though it follows some classic zombie novel cliches it is rather unique. Mostly I felt annoyed with the main character, Mary, as she made a lot of stupid choices as she was more of a doer than a thinker. But I found myself becoming more and more immersed in her life story, and soon the book was too good to put down. That, and the zombies were awesome.

The Forest of Hands and Teeth is by Carrie Ryan and is the first in a series – we have the others in the library too. Watch the scary book trailer from Random House below.